Story about a wise old farmer, who had a horse, that one day escaped.
His neighbours came to offer their sympathy, "How terrible for you to
lose your only horse" to which the wise old farmer replied "Maybe yes,
maybe no." a while later, the horse returned with another horse. The
neighbours now said, "How fortunate your horse escaped, and now you
have two horses, what good luck!" The farmer responded "Maybe yes,
maybe no." not long after the farmer's son was riding the new horse to
break it in, he fell off and broke his leg. The neighbours came to
offer their sympathy, "How unfortunate your horse brought back such a
wild companion, who has now broken your son's leg."..."Maybe yes,
maybe no." replied the farmer. The next week a company of soldiers
arrived at the village, the officer in charge declared that all able
bodied men were needed to defend the countries borders, they were
under attack from a ferocious adversary. The farmer's son was excused,
on account of his broken leg...The neighbours who many of their own
sons recruited, told the former "How fortunate you were that your new
horse broke your son's leg, we may never see our sons again" The wise
old farmer replied "Maybe yes, maybe no"..etc
The story continues till we realize that there is no end to cycle of
happiness and distress in this material world. The only solution is to
serve Lord Krishna, remember Him at the time of leaving the body and
go back to our spiritual home, where it is always bliss and ecstacy.
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